Hotel Lovec

Ljubljanska 6
4260 Bled
Prikaži pot do poslovalnice
04 620 41 00
Odprto omrežje
46.3672570257092, 14.1106510162354
Odpiralni čas
  • ponedeljek
    00.00 - 24.00
  • torek
    00.00 - 24.00
  • sreda
    00.00 - 24.00
  • četrtek
    00.00 - 24.00
  • petek
    00.00 - 24.00
  • sobota
    00.00 - 24.00
  • nedelja
    00.00 - 24.00
  • dan upora proti okupatorju, 27. apr
    manjka odpiralni čas
  • praznik dela, 01. maj
    manjka odpiralni čas
Opis podjetja

The boutique Hotel Lovec is situated in the very heart of Bled. Harmonically blended with its natural environment, it proudly continues the tradition of the guesthouse, which has been standing here for over a hundred years. The hotel architecture is inspired by the local milieu and enables guests to fully enjoy the hotel’s surrounding area, offering wonderful views across the lake and the nearby mountains. The natural daylight and materials give Hotel Lovec a touch of warmth and homeliness that sets it apart from other Bled hotels.

Prikaz lokacije na zemljevidu

Sorodne poslovalnice v bližini