Hotel Milena Maribor

Pohorska ulica 49
2000 Maribor
Prikaži pot do poslovalnice
02 613 20 96
46.5350058085, 15.6019147259
Odpiralni čas
  • ponedeljek
    00.00 - 24.00
  • torek
    00.00 - 24.00
  • sreda
    00.00 - 24.00
  • četrtek
    00.00 - 24.00
  • petek
    00.00 - 24.00
  • sobota
    00.00 - 24.00
  • nedelja
    00.00 - 24.00
prazniki: 0.00-24.00
Opis podjetja

We are waiting for you in a green and calm part of Maribor, only a couple of minutes away from Pohorje funicular. Rest after a busy day at work in a pleasant atmosphere of a Slovenian home, gain your strength for cycling through beautiful nature, or see numerous attractions of Maribor and its surroundings. You can also just relax at our terrace or pavilion and enjoy a peaceful vacation. At our hotel we will introduce you to Maribor, Pohorje, as well as main Slovenian attractions, customs and habits. A stroll through our hotel will take you through rooms where 17 Slovenian sights of interest are presented. For example, Celje room shows attractions and history of this Slovenian city, while Strunjan room offers information about the Slovenian seaside and saltpans.

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