Gostilna in motel pri Lešniku

Prosimo pokličite
Dupleška cesta 49
2000 Maribor
Prikaži pot do poslovalnice
02 471 23 22
Odprto omrežje
46.5385501024, 15.6864263457
Odpiralni čas
  • ponedeljek
  • torek
    11.00 - 22.00
  • sreda, praznik dela, 01. maj
    ni podatka [2]
  • četrtek, praznik dela, 02. maj
    ni podatka [3]
  • petek
    11.00 - 22.00
  • sobota, dan upora proti okupatorju, 27. apr
    ni podatka [1]
  • nedelja
    11.00 - 17.00
[1] sob, 27. apr, Ni podatka za dan upora proti okupatorju. Prosimo pokličite! (Redni delovni čas: 11.00-22.00)
[2] sre, 01. maj, Ni podatka za praznik dela. Prosimo pokličite! (Redni delovni čas: 11.00-22.00)
[3] čet, 02. maj, Ni podatka za praznik dela. Prosimo pokličite! (Redni delovni čas: 11.00-22.00)
  • dan upora proti okupatorju, 27. apr
    manjka odpiralni čas
  • praznik dela, 01. maj
    manjka odpiralni čas
  • praznik dela, 02. maj
    manjka odpiralni čas
Opis podjetja

In a carefully arranged vegetable garden the morning dew sparkles on the heads of crispy lettuce. The grape trellises still offer some hidden grapes. Under the roof the orange pumpkins cannot wait to become a creamy soup. A neighbor who delivers fresh cow milk to the kitchen is not in a hurry to go home. The aroma of freshly baked bread is too attractive to leave. This is our everyday life and we call it hospitality. We have believed in it for the past 80 years. So many years of tradition and a constant care to bring a smile to the faces of our guests are a guarantee for the future generations who will continue to nurture our rich tradition.

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