Ihanska cesta 2
1230 Domžale
Prikaži pot do poslovalnice
01 724 06 00
Odprto omrežje
46.1351235488825, 14.6058028936386
Odpiralni čas
Odpiralni čas ni opredeljen
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Opis podjetja

It is our pleasure you chose our hotel for you stay in the country on the sunny side of the Alps. Hotel Krona is situated 400 metres at the exit Domžale from the Highway A1in the direction towards Ljubljana. Only 12 kilometres from Slovenia’s capital city Ljubljana. Its excellent location guarantees a pleasant stay for businessmen, sports clubs and families who would like to relax near nature with several possibilities for an active vacation (skiing, cycling, walking). The hotel offers 23 tastefully furnished single and double beds (satellite TV, air conditioning, phone), a restaurant with delightful cuisine, a congress hall and a large free parking lot. The hotel is managed by Silvija and Martin Bibič.

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