Credits and investments
Hello, I am Mr. Marjan Tetičkovič, I agree to help you with all your financing, loan, credit and investment needs with an amount of €5,000 to €10,000,000 for a rate of 3% per month over a period of 1 to 30 years. contact me if you are interested. Email:
WhatsApp: 386 71 391 409
Viber: 38671391409
Mnenja (5)
panda 28. nov 2024 ob 18:27
ta trgovina mobi haus več ne opstaja
Marjan Tetickovic 17. jan 2023 ob 19:59
Credits and investments
Hello, I am Mr. Marjan Tetičkovič, I agree to help you with all your financing, loan, credit and investment needs with an amount of €5,000 to €10,000,000 for a rate of 3% per month over a period of 1 to 30 years. contact me if you are interested. Email:
WhatsApp: 386 71 391 409
Viber: 38671391409
Marija 27. jul 2017 ob 14:08
Jaz sem kupila rabljen HTC po ugodni ceni za hčerko in super dela že 2 leti. 11. apr 2017 ob 16:33
ludi pravijo da nategujejo mene zanima ci je to res
Nategovic 12. mar 2017 ob 10:07
Nateg. Dvakrat sem bil v te trgovini in vsakic so me poskusil nategnit. Kupite/prodajte telefone raje na bolhi.
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