OPTIKA ''D'' DRAGO SEVER s.p. Optika D

Zaprto (odpira čez 1 min)
1000 Ljubljana
Prikaži pot do poslovalnice
01 565 15 00
46.0879166, 14.5141127
Odpiralni čas
  • ponedeljek
    09.00 - 12.00 in 15.00 - 19.00
  • torek
    09.00 - 12.00 in 15.00 - 19.00
  • sreda
    09.00 - 12.00 in 15.00 - 19.00
  • četrtek
    09.00 - 12.00 in 15.00 - 19.00
  • petek
    09.00 - 12.00 in 15.00 - 19.00
  • sobota, Prešernov dan, 08. feb
    ni podatka [1]
  • nedelja
[1] sob, 08. feb, Ni podatka za Prešernov dan. Prosimo pokličite! (Redni delovni čas: zaprto)
  • Prešernov dan, 08. feb
    manjka odpiralni čas
Prikaz lokacije na zemljevidu

06. avg 2022 ob 19:02

My whole family is visiting Optika D for at least 2 decades. Why? - Best customer support, huge variety of prescription glasses and sunglasses, lenses and everything you need for them. He also repairs glasses and has the best prices in LJ!
Best optician ever if I may say.

03. avg 2020 ob 9:20


Let's meet our high-tech and light as feather frames!

We have found a perfect distributor in Slovenia, so you can available our products. You are going to reach the whole collection between 10-20. August at the Thinwood road-show. You can meet the Thinwood team on the first two days (10-11. August).

We hope we will meet on the secound week of August!

Please indicate and we will be in contact with you!

Some words about Thinwood products...

Thinwood frames are technical development product, which have a solution for the rigid wood issue with our own invented material. We exploit the durable of the wood  so that results a special wood-compsit material that became and innovative, environmentally friendly, technical solution. We use a high-tech material what there were test by the spaceidustry, Formula1 cars or building alternative energiasources. Our products are available more than 25 colours, so you can customized for your customers.


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