Vodnikova 8
1000 Ljubljana
Prikaži pot do poslovalnice
01 505 12 12
46.0639570095, 14.4934498957
Odpiralni čas
  • ponedeljek
    11.00 - 23.00
  • torek
    11.00 - 23.00
  • sreda
    11.00 - 23.00
  • četrtek
    11.00 - 23.00
  • petek
    11.00 - 23.00
  • sobota
    11.00 - 23.00
  • nedelja
    11.00 - 23.00
Prikaz lokacije na zemljevidu

Včeraj ob 20:46

I recently ordered delivery from this pizza place, and unfortunately, the experience was disappointing. The delivery person was unexpectedly rude to me for no apparent reason, which made the interaction uncomfortable and unprofessional. It’s disappointing because the food quality is only part of the overall experience, and customer service is equally important. With so many other pizza options available, I’d recommend looking elsewhere if you want a hassle-free delivery experience. I won’t be ordering from here again anytime soon.

23. dec 2012 ob 19:09

Odlicne pice, odlicni hamburgerji ter prijazni dostavljalci, se posebaj Rok... Nisem siguren ce mu je tako ime, se mi pa zdi da je ze od samega zacetka v DV, ker je non-stop tam ko pridem in vedno nasmejan in dobre volje! Splaca se iti ali narociti =)

12. avg 2012 ob 19:35

Aston Villa.....noro dobro.....30 let nabijam pizze..ampak tole...


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