Delujemo na področjih gradnje, svetlobnih rešitev in vzdrževanja poslovnih prostorov. Za nami je več kot 10 let izkušenj. Vsak posel jemljemo z vso resnostjo in smo zanesljiv partner, ki se drži dogovorov. Z našimi strankami vedno gradimo dolgoročne partnerske odnose. Zaupajo nam zelo priznana domača in tuja podjetja, na kar smo še posebej ponosni. We work in the areas of construction, lighting solutions and maintenance of business premises. We have more than 10 years of experience. We take every business with serious and are a reliable partner who sticks to agreements. We always build long-term partnerships with our clients. We are trusted by highly recognized domestic and foreign companies, which is a fact we are especially proud of. SVETUJEMO IN VODIMO ✓ Že v osnovni fazi vašega projekta vam svetujemo, kako se ga na pravilen in finančno optimalen način lotiti. ✓ Pomagamo vam pri izdelavi idejne zasnove prostorov. ✓Svetujemo vam pri izbiri gradbenih materialov. ✓Svetujemo vam pri izbiri strojnih inštalacij. ✓ Svetujemo vam pri načinu osvetlitve in izvedbi elektro inštalacij. Za vas brezplačno projektiramo osvetlitev prostorov. ✓ Po potrebi pridobimo potrebno projektno dokumentacijo. ✓ Izdelamo terminski plan izvedbe. ✓ V finančnih in terminskih okvirih vodimo projekt izvedbe. IZVAJAMO ✓gradbena dela, ✓rušitvena dela, ✓suhomontažna dela, ✓strojne inštalacije (vodovod, kanalizacija, ogrevanje, prezračevanje, rekuperacija, klima naprave, hladilni agregati, odvod dima in toplote), ✓diesel agregati za rezervno napajanje, ✓elektroinštalacijska dela, ✓varnostne svetilke, ✓video nadzor, ✓multimedija (projektorji, monitorji, platna, pametna regulacija), ✓požarno tesnenje prebojev, ✓požarno varovanje, ✓protivlomno varovanje, ✓protivlomna vrata, ✓varnostne antene proti kraji, ✓steklarska dela (steklene stene, steklena vrata, stekleni trgovinski portali, stavbno pohištvo), ✓rolo vrata, ✓reklamni napisi, ✓ključavničarska dela, ✓tlakarska dela (izravnava tlakov, keramika, PVC, vinil, laminat, parket), ✓slikopleskarska dela, ✓mizarska dela, ✓montaža opreme (trgovinska oprema, pisarniška oprema, skladiščna oprema). IZVEDEMO MERITVE, PREGLEDE in izdamo POTRDILA ✓pregled APZ aktivne požarne zaščite (pregled varnostne razsvetljave, pregled požarnega javljanja ipd.), ✓meritve prezračevanja, ✓meritve mikroklime, ✓meritve elektro inštalacij, ✓meritve šibkotočnih inštalacij, ✓meritve strelovodnih inštalacij. PROJEKTNO SVETOVANJE PRI OSVETLJEVANJU Ste v fazi gradnje ali prenove? Z veseljem vam bomo svetovali že v popolnoma začetni fazi. Od vas potrebujemo mere prostorov, namembnost prostorov in vrsto opreme v prostorih. Potem izdelamo prostoru, namembnosti in opremi primeren načrt osvetlitve. Če gre za večji obstoječi prostor in nimate točnih načrtov, pridemo do vas in pregledamo obstoječe stanje. PROJEKTIRANJE OSVETLITVE ZA ELEKTRO PROJEKTANTE Za elektro projektante izdelamo načrt osvetlitve in popis opreme. IZVEDBA ELEKTRO DEL Z VGRADNJO OSVETLITVE Izvajamo komplet elektro dela. Pošljite nam povpraševanje in pripravili vam bomo ponudbo. PRODAJA Našim strankam po konkurenčnih cenah tudi redno dobavljamo LED luči, LED sijalke in vso ostalo svetlobno tehniko. Naše stranke so: ✓projektni naročniki (novogradnje, prenove …), ✓večji končni porabniki (hoteli, trgovine, upravniki zgradb, javne ustanove …), ✓maloprodajne elektro in ostale trgovine. FACILITY MANAGEMENT Ne glede na to, ali gre za industrijski objekt, trgovski center, stanovanjski objekt, bolnišnico ali katero koli drugo premoženje, je pomembno, da objekt brezhibno deluje v skladu s svojo namembnostjo, je privlačen za uporabnike, varen in ohranja svojo vrednost. Dela izvajamo na podlagi pogodbeno dogovorjenih obveznosti, kot so vrste storitev, razpoložljivost, odzivni čas, kakovost storitve itd. Odvisno od vrste objekta in zahtev naših strank. Prevzamemo vsa dela, s katerimi se vaše podjetje primarno ne ukvarja. Storitve in dela se opravljajo v skladu s slovensko zakonodajo. Dela izvajamo na podlagi točno določenega delovnega in finančnega načrta. O opravljenem delu redno in na dogovorjeni način poročamo. V skladu s planom vzdrževanja lastniku podajamo predloge o vrstah potrebnih del v prihodnje in njihovih finančnih okvirjih. Nekaj prednosti FACILITY MANAGEMENT upravljanja in vzdrževanja nepremičnin: ✓planski in pregleden način upravljanja in vzdrževanja, ✓ne potrebujete lastnih ljudi z znanjem s področja upravljanja in vzdrževanja (zmanjšanje stroškov dela in delovnih sredstev), ✓popolnoma kontrolirani stroški upravljanja in vzdrževanja. VZDRŽEVANJE IN SERVISIRANJE SERVISNA VZDRŽEVALNA DELA: električarska dela, servis klima naprav, servis klimatov, servis hladilnih agregatov, servis konvektorjev, vodoinštalaterska dela, servis rolo vrat, servis avtomatskih vrat, servis trezorjev, servis varnostne razsvetljave, servis dizel agregatov rezervnega napajanja, servis ostalih APZ (aktivnih požarnih sistemov), servis reklamnih napisov, pleskarska dela, razna manjša “handyman” popravila. OBDOBNI PREGLEDI, MERITVE, IZDELAVA ZAPISNIKOV IN IZDAJA POTRDIL: pregled APZ aktivne požarne zaščite (pregled varnostne razsvetljave, pregled požarnega javljanja ipd.), meritve prezračevanja, meritve mikroklime, meritve elektro in štalacij, meritve šibkotočnih inštalacij, meritve strelovodnih inštalacij. CONSTRUCTION WE ADVISE AND MANAGE ✓ Already in the basic phase of your project, we advise you on how to tackle it in the right and financially optimal way. ✓ We help you create the conceptual design of the premises. ✓We advise you when choosing building materials. ✓We advise you in choosing hardware installations. ✓ We advise you on the methods of lighting and the implementation of electrical installations. We create the project design of the lighting for you free of charge. ✓ If necessary, we obtain the necessary project documentation. ✓ We make a schedule of works. ✓The project is then performed within the financial and schedules plan. SERVICES construction work, demolition work, drywall work, hardware installation (water suply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, recuperation,air conditions,refrigiration units, smoke nad heat extration), diesel generators for backupo power suply, APZ inspection of active fire protection (inspection of safety lighting, inspection of fire alarm, etc.), ventilation measurements, microclimate measurements, electrical installation measurements, low-voltage measurements, lighting-installation measurements. theft protection, security door, anti – theft security antennas, glass work (glas walls, glass doors, glass trade portals, joinery), roller doors, advertising signs, locksmith work, paving works (leveling of floors, ceramics, PVC, vinyl, laminate, parquet) painting works, carpentry, installation of trade equipment (trade equipment , office equipmnet, storage equipmnet), other necessary works. WE PERFORM MEASUREMENTS, INSPECTIONS and issue CERTIFICATES APZ inspection of active fire protection (inspection of safety lighting, inspection of fire alarm, etc.), ventilation measurements, microclimate measurements, electrical installation measurements, low-voltage measurements, lighting-installation measurements. LIGHTING SOLUTIONS PROJECT CONSULTING IN LIGHTING Are you in the construction or renovation phase? We will be happy to advise you at a very early stage. We need the dimensions of the premises, the purpose of the premises and the type of equipment in the premises. Then we make a suitable lighting plan for the space, purpose and equipment. If it is a larger existing space and you do not have exact plans, we will come to you and review the existing situation. LIGHTING DESIGN FOR ELECTRIC DESIGNERS We make a lighting plan and an inventory of equipment for electrical designers. PERFORMANCE OF ELECTRICAL WORKS WITH INSTALLATION OF LIGHTING We perform a set of electrical work. Send us an inquiry and we will prepare an offer for you. SALES We also regularly supply our customers with LED lights, LED lamps and all other lighting equipment at competitive prices. Our customers are: ✓project clients (new constructions, renovations…), ✓major end-users (hotels, shops, building managers, public institutions), ✓retail electrical and other stores. FACILITY MANAGEMENT Whether it is an industrial facility, a shopping mall, a residential facility, a hospital or any other property, it is important that the facility works flawlessly according to its purpose, is attractive to users, safe and retains its value. We perform work on the basis of contractually agreed obligations, such as types of services, availability, response time, quality of service, etc. Depending on the type of facility and the requirements of our customers. We take on all the work that your company does not primarily deal with. Services and works are performed in accordance with Slovenian legislation. We carry out the work on the basis of a specific work and financial plan. We report on the work performed regularly and in the agreed manner. In accordance with the maintenance plan, we give the owner suggestions on the types of work needed in the future and their financial frameworks. Some advantages of FACILITY MANAGEMENT of properties their and maintenance: ✓planned and transparent management and maintenance, ✓do not need your own people with knowledge of management and maintenance (reduction of labor costs and labor resources), ✓fully controlled management and maintenance costs. MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE THE WAY WE WORK ✓ We offer our contractual partners regular technical maintenance and servicing of systems and materials that are installed in most business premises. ✓ We are regionally organized. Therefore, we provide a fast response time. We cover the whole of Slovenia and some of Croatia. We adapt completely to your needs. ✓We are entrusted with the work by renowned companies with high service requirements. We already perform work in more than 400 business premises SERVICE MAINTENANCE WORKS: electrical work, air conditioning service, air conditioning service, service of refrigeration units, convector service, plumbing work, roller door service, automatic door service, vault service, emergency lighting service, service of diesel units of reserve power supply, service of other APZ (active fire systems), advertising sign service, painting works, various minor “handyman” repairs. PERIODIC INSPECTIONS, MEASUREMENTS, MAKING OF MINUTES AND ISSUE OF CERTIFICATES: APZ inspection of active fire protection (inspection of safety lighting, inspection of fire alarm, etc.), ventilation measurements, microclimate measurements, low voltage power measurements, signal and communication measurements, lighting protection measurements.
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