Zaloščan vina De Adami

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Zalošče 6A
5294 Dornberk
Prikaži pot do poslovalnice
04 148 59 71
45.8888451, 13.7455596
Odpiralni čas
Odpiralni čas ni opredeljen
  • božični večer, 24. dec
    manjka odpiralni čas
  • božič, 25. dec
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  • dan samostojnosti in enotnosti, 26. dec
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  • novoletni večer, 31. dec
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  • novo leto, 01. jan 2025
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  • novo leto, 02. jan 2025
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Opis podjetja

The Zaloščan wine cellar, owned by the family of Anton Slejko, markets its wines under the established brand name of De Adami. The wines carry the name of a venerable monk who lived in the village of Zalošče in the 16th century and who is still very much alive in the stories told among the people. The cellar got its name from the village of Zalošče, situated at the very heart of the wine-growing Vipava valley. Besides their own grapes, they also buy grapes from five winegrowers that provide the cellar with the surplus of their integrated harvest. They make fourteen varietal still wines and wine types. Their wines are soft, fruity, fresh and easy-drinking, while their vintage wines rank among the top wines in the world.

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