Notar Uroš Kos

Cigaletova ulica 7
1000 Ljubljana
Prikaži pot do poslovalnice
01 232 10 81
46.0551132314, 14.5060405232
Odpiralni čas
  • ponedeljek
    09.00 - 12.00 in 13.00 - 16.00
  • torek
    09.00 - 12.00 in 13.00 - 16.00
  • sreda
    09.00 - 12.00 in 13.00 - 17.00
  • četrtek
    09.00 - 12.00 in 13.00 - 16.00
  • petek
    09.00 - 12.00 in 13.00 - 14.00
  • sobota, dan upora proti okupatorju, 27. apr
    ni podatka [1]
  • nedelja
[1] sob, 27. apr, Ni podatka za dan upora proti okupatorju. Prosimo pokličite! (Redni delovni čas: zaprto)
  • dan upora proti okupatorju, 27. apr
    manjka odpiralni čas
  • praznik dela, 01. maj
    manjka odpiralni čas
  • praznik dela, 02. maj
    manjka odpiralni čas
Prikaz lokacije na zemljevidu

13. jan 2022 ob 15:43

I hope you are doing well. I will like to discuss the transfer of the company and change of the director in the company.
I (Mr. Kishan Wadhwa Permanent residence of Slovenia)) am the owner of the company Aviken D.o.o since 2015 since the opening of the company. I am also appointed as a director of the company (only one director in the company). The transfer of the company will be to Mr. Gurlal Singh Chatha who is also a permanent resident of Slovenia.

I am currently in the UK for business and cannot come right away due to Covid travel restrictions. I would like to transfer the company Aviken D.o.o to Mr. Gurlal Singh Chatha. He will also be appointed as a director of the company. Or at least for now appoint him as director of the company instead of myself whichever is quick, easier to do right now. I understand I will have to sign some authorization letter or power of attorney documents to do so. Please let me know what information or paperwork I can send you to complete the procedure at your earlier convenience and how much will be your charges? My email address is or I can be reached at 447459529351.
Best Regards
Kishan Wadhwa

12. jan 2021 ob 16:21

G. notar Uroš Kos je nadvse strokoven, vljuden, razgledan in pošten človek. Vsako, tudi nepomembno zadevo ,vzame z vso skrbnostjo. S svojimi zaposlenimi je primer kako mora delovati sodobna notarska pisarna.

24. sep 2018 ob 14:51

Notar Uroš Kos odstopa v pozitivnem smislu od povprečja.

11. maj 2018 ob 15:35

Priporocam. Strokovnost, hitrost in prijaznost celotnega osebja.

11. jul 2017 ob 5:38

Imel opraviti s kar nekaj notarji, vendar notar Uroš Kos daleč odstopa
s svojim odnosom. Nameni ti razumen čas, glede na predmet, posluša te
in te sliši, in ti da možnost, da razumeš to, kar je potrebno v zvezi s predmetom. Hiter, učinkovit, z izoblikovano noto za človeka, vreden zaupanja ! Resnično hvala za takega notarja !

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