Ljubljana Resort Hotel & Camp

Dunajska cesta 270
1000 Ljubljana
Prikaži pot do poslovalnice
01 589 01 30
Odprto omrežje
46.0968571087819, 14.5187652111053
Odpiralni čas
  • ponedeljek
    00.00 - 24.00
  • torek
    00.00 - 24.00
  • sreda
    00.00 - 24.00
  • četrtek
    00.00 - 24.00
  • petek
    00.00 - 24.00
  • sobota, Prešernov dan, 08. feb
    ni podatka [1]
  • nedelja
    00.00 - 24.00
[1] sob, 08. feb, Ni podatka za Prešernov dan. Prosimo pokličite! (Redni delovni čas: 00.00-24.00)
  • Prešernov dan, 08. feb
    manjka odpiralni čas
Opis podjetja

Ljubljana resort extends over six hectares of green oasis on the northern periphery of the Sava river. As the only tourist and leisure center in central Slovenia offers a wide range of services: **** campsite, mobil homes,holiday cottages,hotel *** restaurant Stern and additional catering services during the season, swimming Laguna Ljubljana city beach, multipurpose hall, indoor sports center and a variety of sports and recreational outdoor activities and beauty corner.
Laguna City Beach has 9 years of the most beautiful Slovenian baths. Open from 18/06/2016 to 31/08/2016

Prikaz lokacije na zemljevidu

Sorodne poslovalnice v bližini